2008年11月27日 星期四

Reaction Article #8

According to Study: Spare tire doubles risk of dying even if BMI is OK, a new report, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, found that people with belly fat have a higher risk of dying than their same-weight peers without a spare tire, even if they’re at a healthy weight. The fat stacks in abdominal is a serious threat that it can pad the internal organs so that it is thought to increase inflammation by releasing hormones.

I think in the past years most of us only know that overweight is one of the risk factors of heart disease, diabetes, and some types of cancers. We do an exercise or have a diet control to keep ourselves away from the chronic diseases; our concern is the body weight or body mass index (BMI). After reading this report, first, I think everyone should check their own waist circumference and examine the datum if it is in the normal range. In this article, it was mentioned that men with the biggest girth 40.4 inches and women with 35 inches or lager will have a higher mortality risk. Secondly, if you have an abdominal fat, you have to do something to deal it. Some doctors suggest that “eat less and exercise more”are helpful to reducing the size of fat around the waistline. In my experience, I have tried to lesson my stomach fat by eating less and practicing yoga and Pilates after giving birth, and it did work. I think the style of activities is also an important factor. I sense that now my belly is bigger than before that I have a hard work and only have little time to sit down.

How to reduce the excess body weight or belly fat is always a hot topic for people, especially for women. Hence some people waste their money on expensive“fat burner”pills that don’t work or other bogus supplements. The Depatrment of Health should list more detail information on health eating and exercise which might help people to lose belly fat. (331 words)

2008年11月14日 星期五

Reaction Article #7
According to the report Count orders detention of Taiwan ex-president, the ex-President, Chen shu-bian, whose presidential term ended in May mired in a corruption scandal. He was detained and led to court in handcuffs on November 11 after several hours of questioning by prosecutors. Mr. Chen has denied wrongdoing in the case and accused it is a politically motivated attack because President Ma Ying-jeou wants to move closer to Beijing. The media said the prosecutors are investigating the ex-President “over his alleged misuse of his discretionary ‘state affairs funds’ and a money–laundering case involving the former first family."

When Mr. Chen raised his arms, show his handcuffs to the media, and shouted “Political persecution! Long live Taiwan”, I was very upset because he made grave errors. Once supporters revered Chen shu-bian as the man who ended more than 50 years of KMT rule and push Taiwan toward independence, but they feel disappointed when he admitted that his wife had remitted the big money into overseas account held by relatives. At this time, Mr. Chen and his family members involving in the events should keep silence and face the law.

I think the detention of Chen shu-bian is nothing about political motivation. Everyone is treated fairly under the law, even an ex-President. This case will give an example that all officers of government should not debase themselves by such behavior.(220 words)

2008年11月3日 星期一

Reaction Article # 6
According to Staying Healthy in a Sick Economy, when the disaster strikes, demand for yoga goes up, and on-site gyms exert a special pull: “People come and they want someone to talk to-- it’s like Cheers,” noted Grace Desimono, a director of group fitness. In the bad economy--nearing collapse of the world markets, some fitness centers in the financial districts are offering shorter, cheaper personal training sessions for members who lose their job. For many good reasons, people are encouraged to do exercise in a sick economy.

I think it’s really a big impact-- some people lost their job and lots of college graduates cannot find a job because the sour economy. Sometimes, the unemployed suffer stress from relatives’ and neighbors’ over-concern. If they have something to get up and to go out as usual, the relatives and neighbors will not easy to find that they are jobless. At this time, going out for exercise regularly is helpful. The unemployed should spend more time in doing exercise because it can help them to keep in a healthy shape for the next opportunity. Besides the conceptions mentioned above, exercise is also one of the most important things that people can do as part of their anti-aging and anti-pressure regiments.

We don’t know that if the economic environment is going to get worse; however, people should do something to block the disappointment. Doing exercise is a good way to help people weather hard time, as long as it’s not just for health, but to network and stay positive. (257 words)